Morena M.P. Here is great power cut still continued at chambal valley up to 21 hours as usual. Power supply at head quarter of chambal commissionery division at Morena city here was provided only for 6 hours during last monday of 28 Dec. to 30th Dec. what great 8th wonder of the world . in one side Mr. Shivaraj Singh as sitting C.M. of Madhyapradesh is inviting M.P. NRIans to exhibit the progress of state and on other hand hidding 70 perct. dark side of state and 100 perct. failuare of Govt. all fundamental rights and facilities of citizons are almost suspended in Madhyapradesh. I think there was actual problem is behind white collar crime at huge. Govt. officials and offices are just behaving like deccoits or robberers with public or common man. now the question is in that conditions what should do? my all Friends what would like to suggest ? I invite your ideas . your ideas will help me to draft my new article series under a special media and N.G.O.s campaign on the topic and may also use to publish.- Narendra Singh Tomar
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नये कृषि कानूनों के तहत आनलाइन किसान खरीद बिक्री हेतु अपना पंजीयन करायें
ग्वालियर टाइम्स , नये कृषि अधिनियमों के अनुसार कोई भी किसान और पशुपालक
अब अपनी उपज और उत्पाद तथा पशु , दूध व इनसे उत्पादित सामग्री व सामान कहीं भी
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