शुक्रवार, 4 जून 2010

Whole day and night, Power Supply failures and Power cuts at Morena , Sorry News & Photo Updates are not possible

Power Supply failures and Power cuts at Morena , Sorry News & Photo Updates are not possible

Heavy Voltage fluctuations and long term Electricity Shut Downs are continued


Morena (M.P.) India 4th June 10. we are sorry to declare news and photographs related to Bhind, Morena, Gwalior, Shivpuri, Guna is not possible to us due to very long duration power shut downs , power supply failures, Voltage fluctuations varies  60 to 280 volts. In present at Morena Power cuts are going whole of the Day and whole of the night.  


Although we are releasing detailed news in Hindi about these power problem in detail with conversation made by us with electricity company officials.


We also recorded some phone conversations with officials up to S.E. of company.


In further here at Morena there is no power supply available for working conditions, also at Bhind and Gwalior in same circumstances.

In present at Morena Power cuts are going whole of the Day and whole of the night.  

We will come back soon as early as failure power system starts work to normal. In same we are releasing Hindi news about the power supply failure conditions at Morena. 

It is requested till that please waits for conditions will normal.


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